House of Joy



Please prayerfully consider becoming a partner with Cross Mission Ministries with either a monthly donation or a one time gift. Your investment will provide food, shelter, clothing, medical/dental care, education, and most importantly love to children at the House of Joy Orphanage located in Magatapalli, India.  

The Beginning

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me  and do not hinder them’ for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 19:14

In 2011, Mohan met a lady who asked if he could take care of her kids. Mohan wasn’t sure why she asked him this but he said yes. This lady then went home and in her desperation attempted to take her own life. She was gravely injured  and unable to take care of her kids. Mohan started the children’s home with her children and has taken in more children through the years who have no parent or whose parents are unable to care for them. . The children share a home filled with love, laughter, healthy meals and  a safe place to play, They also attend an  English medium school.   Children who once lived in uncertainty and darkness are now living and learning in a home filled with the light and love of our heavenly Father God. 

Meet the Children


  • Name: Satya
  • D.O.B: 03-11-2006
  • Village: Nagaram
  • State: Andhra Pradesh
  • About Me
  • When I was a child my father left me and my mother. He later died. My mother passed away also leaving me with relatives. I did not attend school in my village, One of my relatives brought me to the House of Joy, where I was welcomed and now attend school with my new brothers and sisters at the House of Joy. I want to become a teacher when i grow up and I love playing badminton.



  • Name: Taneti Vara Prasad
  • D.O.B : 12-28-2002
  • Village: Penumaru
  • About Me:I was born in a poor family.  My father does not go to work so that was a big problem for our family.  My brother found out about House of Joy and we came and requested help. Now we are in House of Joy. I am getting good food and education. I am thankful for you all who helped my brother and me. I want to become an engineer and I love playing cricket and being with my friends in House of Joy..



  • Name: Bonthu Sudheer
  • D.O.B : 2-18-2004
  • Village: Adurru
  • About Me:I was born in a village in a poor family. I have a brother. My father died when we were small and we had no one to take care of us. My mother didn't have money for us to go to school. We are happy be able to live at the House of Joy.where we receive good education. I want to become a civil engineer and I love playing cricket and reading books.



  • Name: Bably
  • D.O.B: 05-03-2008
  • State: Orissa
  • About Me: Our family is a very poor family.  My father was abusive to our family.  My mother loves us so much but we did not have a home.  My mother started working in houses to send me to school but it was not enough. Through a pastor we got connected with House of Joy and now I have a home and get to attend school.  I want to become a doctor and I love to play carrom board.


  • Name: Sridevi
  • D.O.B: 07-22-2009
  • State: Andhra Pradesh
  • About Me: Our family is not in good condition. My brother’s name is Seemonu. My father had many problems and was abusive. My mother left our family and returned to her home. She wanted to take us but my father did not let us go. He sent Seemonu and me to the House of Joy for education, food and shelter. I am thankful to be here,I would like to become a teacher, and I love playing badminton.


  • Name: Seemonu (Simon)
  • D.O.B: 05-22-2007
  • State: Andhra Pradesh
  • About Me: My family had many troubles. My father was abusive and because of that my mother left the family and returned to her home.She wanted to take my sister and me with her but my father did not let us go. Our dad sent Sridevi and me to the House of Joy for school, food and shelter. I want to become a Policeman, and I love playing kabadi and carrom board.


  • Name: Amith
  • D.O.B: 01-7-2011
  • State: Orissa
  • About Me: I was born in a big and poor family. It’s hard to talk about our family. My father worked everyday in the agriculture fields then one day he got sick and he had to stop working. He has been in bed for many years.  My mother works hard for food and to build us a small house. At the House of Joy I get to attend school, I have food and a safe place to sleep. When i grow up I want to become a policeman and I love playing Cricket.



  • Name: Prince Khosha
  • D.O.B: 5-20-2010
  • State: Orissa
  • About Me:I was born on a hillside of Orissa.  We are very poor.  I was not able to go school because we don’t have school nearby, and also we didn’t have money to go far to get to school. My mother died when I was small. Now after coming to the House of Joy, I am able to get good food and education. Thank you. I want to become a police officer, and I love playing cricket.  



  • Name: Naik Baby
  • D.O.B: 05-31-2011
  • State: Orissa
  • About Me: Our family is a big family. We are very poor. My father worked everyday in the agriculture fields. One day he got very sick and then he stopped working. He has been in bed for many years. From then on my mother didn’t send us to school. We got to know about House of Joy and we requested to come here, Now we can go to school, have food to eat and a place to play safely. I want to become a doctor and help people like my father. I love playing and skipping. 


  • Name: Sonali
  • D.O.B: 01-12-2009
  • State: Orissa
  • About Me: Our family is big. We are poor so my father is not able to send us to English medium school. My mother is not feeling well.  She had an  accident and her hand doesn’t work. It was really hard for us to see my mother like that. We heard  about House of Joy and because my parents wanted me to have an education my father brought me here. I want to become policewoman and I love playing carrom board.


  • Name: Bhagyavi (Lovely)
  • D.O.B: 06-08-2009
  • State: Orissa
  • About Me: Our family is poor. My father and mother were not able to send us to the school. They wanted us to work with them. I want to study well and become doctor. I did not have the money to get a good education. Now that my pastor got me into the House of Joy I can become a doctor one day. Thank you all.


  • Name: Ravi Varma (Bobby)
  • D.O.B: 06-20-2010
  • State: Andhra Pradesh
  • About Me: Our family is a poor family. My father doesn’t go to work because of his health problem, but my brother and mother are working .They want me to study in English medium school. They cannot pay for that. Pastor Mohan met our family and gave me place to stay and get a good education. Thank you..I want to become a policeman and I love playing cricket.


  • Name: Prashanthi
  • D.O.B: 11-23-2006
  • Village: Penumaruu
  • State: Andhra Pradesh
  • About Me: I was born in Penumaruu village into a poor family. I still remember we didn’t have food to eat. We used to cry and ask others for food. Nobody helped us. My father had many problems and could not take care of our family. I want to become a teacher. I love playing badminton.


  • Name: Bonthu Dileep
  • D.O.B : 02-23-2008
  • Village: Adurru
  • State: Andhra Pradesh
  • About Me: I was born in a poor family and I have a brother. When my father died, we did not have food for many days. My mother used to go to work but it was not enough for school and clothes. Our relatives did not help us. Pastor Mohan visited our house and brought us to the children's home. We are now able to go to school and get good food. I want to become a policeman and I love playing badminton and watching TV.



  • Name: Bagdh Ranjith
  • D.O.B. 03-01-2005
  • State: Orissa
  • About Me: I am from a large family. Sadly we are very poor. My father cannot work because of his health. He wants me to study well. but he is so sad that he cannot help me to get a good education. One day a pastor came and shared with us about the House of Joy. We came here and we are very happy to be in an English Medium School. I want to be a computer engineer and I love playing kabaddi and cricket. 








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