For Women

Women’s Ministries

How the Kingdom is restoring the value of women in society.
James 1:27

Support widows – a lady came to Mohan back in 2000 and asked for some Rupees. She told him she would pay him back in a few weeks and went off with the money Mohan gave her. Some weeks after she was supposed to return the money, she was shy but came back and asked for more. Mohan did some research and found this lady was going to the local grocery and buying her portion of rice for the month. This began a widow support ministry providing money to widows each month and is currently supporting 160 widows in their villages. Support like this is vital in a culture that shuns women when widowed. Jesus looks at these people through a lens and enables us to be his hands in restoring value to their lives. 

Women’s empowerment center – low-cast untouchable girls are receiving education and being empowered.  These girls are born into social inequality and disrespect making it very difficult to gain education and have families of their own. Mohan and Moses bought some sewing machines and fabrics to train these women in a skill. They are looking to add computer training to the empowerment center that will provide typing and software familiarization. Hindu girls are coming to get this training, hearing the Gospel of Jesus, and respect in their villages is returning to them as they learn a trade, lifting them from their situation.